Satisfaction guarantee
We're proud to offer a 30-day money back guarantee on oral appliances and sleep positioners

“myTAP works like a charm. Easy to make, Fits well. Slept well. First time in 2 months my husband didn’t have to go downstairs to get away from me gasping! Yay! Thank you so much.”

Patient of Dr. Paul Kenworthy

“We are big believers that oral appliance therapy can be an excellent therapy.”

Dennis Hwang, MD on myTAP

“My husband has been using Airway's device in excess of five years with great success.  It is simple to use and quite comfortable.  We have recommended it to friends who were considering a non-customized device.  This is actually his second TAP because the first one got eaten by the dog.  True story.”

Julie Ronay

How it works

Provider reviewing patient record and sleep history
Get Started

Based on your symptoms and history, a Helio provider will prescribe a home sleep study if appropriate.

Efficient delivery of sleep apnea tests and treatments
Receive Your Equipment

We'll ship your home sleep apnea test. If diagnosed, we'll send sleep apnea treatment devices to your door.

Informative sleep coaching
Chat with Care Coach

Your Helio care coach will reach out to make sure that everything is on track as you treat sleep apnea at home.

Learn more about sleep apnea and snoring

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Treat your sleep apnea

Get started with Helio Sleep and get a team of specialists who will collaborate to provide you with new obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) treatment options.

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Provider reviewing home sleep apnea test results