The didgeridoo is a melodic instrument that originates from the native people of Australia. Its origin dates back to more than 4,000 years ago. This instrument is made from a long piece of wood in a cylindrical shape. A continuous droning sound can be produced using a breathing technique called circular breathing. This article will cover the didgeridoo and other wind instruments and their effects on sleep apnea. Make sure you know everything before you decide to give it a try.

What is Didgeridoo?

Didgeridoo is a musical instrument that has been used by the people of Australia for thousands of years. It has a cylindrical shape and is made from a piece of wood. Its tone is deep and versatile. It is played by using your cheeks and lips, while breathing through your nose. The didgeridoo has a large, circular hole at the bottom.

How to Play the Didgeridoo

Didgeridoo is played with the help of your lips and cheeks. You hold the instrument in your hands and blow the air through the large hole at the bottom. You need to make sure that you are breathing in and out through your nose while playing the didgeridoo. If you are able to achieve this, you will produce a unique sound.

Does Playing the Didgeridoo Cure Sleep Apnea?

In 2006, a clinical study by Swiss researchers was published reporting on the effects of didgeridoo playing as an alternative treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. The study was based on reports from one of the authors, a didgeridoo instructor, that he and some of his students experienced a reduction in daytime sleepiness and snoring after several months of using the instrument. This study of 25 patients suggested that didgeridoo practice averaging 5.9 days a week for 25.3 minutes per session could result in reduced daytime sleepiness, improved AHI, and a positive effect on a partner's rating for sleep disturbance.

A meta-analysis on the effects of wind instrument practice and singing conducted in 2020 by researchers from the Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam reviewed that work and other studies. They concluded that playing a wind instrument or singing might be linked to small improvements in sleep disorders. However, they cautioned that the practice time requirement and the extent of the effect might not make this a practical intervention.


The didgeridoo, wind instruments, and singing are all beautiful and relaxing activites, but clinical evidence to date is uncertain given small sample sizes and the practicality of implementing this as an alternative sleep apnea treatment.